Study Of Physico-Chemical Parameters And Assessment Of Groundwater Quality Near Tamsa River In Azamgarh District (U.P)

Prem Yadav 1 and Rajesh Kumar Yadav 2

1 Department of Chemistry, N.S.P.S. Government P.G. College, Magaraha Mirzapur (U.P.) India 

2 Department Of Chemistry, Rajkiya Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Samdi, Azamgarh (U.P.) India


Earth's surface contains different types of ores, salts and minerals which are dissolved by the water to increase salinity of groundwater. By the river, rain and other sources of water, the salts present on the surface meet in the groundwater and change their concentration. Salinity is caused as a result of dissolution of minerals like halite, anhydrite, carbonates, gypsum, fluoride-salts and sulphate salts. The physicochemical analysis of sample number S-1 to S-10 is colorless, odorless and without turbidity in summer and rainy season except sample S-3. This indicates that salt concentration in groundwater is low but sample S-3 in turbid and colour change on exposure in air after some time indicate that salt concentration and dissolved salt or metal ion concentration is high in area Gopalganj, Azamgarh. The PH= 6.96, TDS= 1200 ppt, electrical conductivity is 2260 Ms-1 indicate that water in this area is moderately hard and dissolution of minerals during water percolation in the rainy season becomes high. 

Keywords: Contamination, Electrical Conductivity, Ground Water, Hard water, Total Dissolve Salt 


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Article ID: O0401018   RA  Preprint
Received: 30/04/2022 
Accepted: 30/06/2022
Published: 30/10/2022