Influence of Sunlight on the Cyanobacterial Diversity of Rice Fields

Rishi Kumar Sharma1, Shatrughna Singh2

1. Department of Botany, Sudhakar Mahila P.G. College, Varanasi-221002  
2. Department of Botany, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi – 221002 .


In the tropical paddy fields, numerous prevailing conditions and factors i.e., either natural or man-made, apparently influence the cyanobacterial diversity. On the basis of study on different rice cultivation sites around the Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh (India), it had been observed that the gradually increasing dense canopy of rice plants resulted in the death of already flourishing filamentous green algal mat and favored the growth of various cyanobacterial forms.  In most of the rice fields, the maximum diversity of cyanobacteria was during the vegetative growth phase and grain filling phase of rice cultivation, when maximum shade had been provided by the rice plant.  In most of the rice fields around the last phase of rice cultivation, when the soil became fully exposed to solar light, the brownish coloured papery layer of Aulosira sp. had been observed on the soil as well as attached to the remaining stumps of the rice plants but the cyanobacteria was in the sporulation phase. However, an appreciable number of Nostoc, Cylindrospermum, Microcoleus and Chroococcus sp. had been observed from the fully exposed and illuminated portion of rice fields and its cultivation cycle. Most of the cyanobacterial forms collected from the fully exposed portions of rice fields to sunlight, developed larger amounts of bright/ dark coloured mucilage or exopolysaccharide compared to most of the other forms that grew in the shelter of paddy. The present communication is related to the study of local cyanobacterial diversity along with its interaction with the light regime that can be useful for the efficient algalization.
Keywords: Cyanobacteria, Rice fields, Sunlight


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Article ID: P0301013    RA
Received: 19/07/2020 
Accepted: 16/10/2020 
Published: 16/06/2021

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